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All Access Pass PLUS 12 months training

Get access to all this and more with All Access Pass PLUS!

For less than the cost of a casual teacher, you can get 12 months of all of the below PL, exclusive demonstration lesson access, and so much more.


Sharing Best Practice 2024: Windsor/Hawkesbury

View the replay of a fantastic Sharing Best Practice held at Windsor South Public School in March 2024.

The replay contains the following great presentations:

Dr. Nathaniel Swain: Improving your school by harnessing the science of learning
Emeritus Prof. John Sweller: Cognitive Load Theory
David Morkunas: Effective primary maths instruction: What it looks like, and how it works
Sarah Trestrail & Kerryn Carter: Reducing teacher workload through evidence based practices
Justin Caban & Melanie Keast: Teach more in less time
Matthew Carter & Belinda Bristol: SoLaR Battalion

Purchasing a ticket supports Strong Nation Community – the chosen charity of this SBP event.

Synthetic Phonics Modules

Morning Routine

Cognitive Science

Learning Intentions

Get Reading Right

Fab 5

+Additional module on All Access Pass PLUS
+Dem lessons on All Access Pass PLUS!

All Access Pass PLUS 12 months training

Get access to all this and more with All Access Pass PLUS!

12 months access to over 125 hours of PL, dem lessons, our educational knowledge base, learning targets, reporting, and more.

If you want to become an exceptional teacher, we are here to support you on that journey.

You can start today!