Your feedback is important to us!

We’re pleased you could join us, but we also want to ensure that you are happy, and if not, do our best to improve our service going forward.

Please provide us with any feedback you have, via the form below.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

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    What subject knowledge in today’s presentation was the most important or useful?

    What pedagogical knowledge or techniques in today’s presentation do you plan to use or share back at your school?

    What would you like to share with today’s presenter?

    How can we improve this presentation for other participants in the future?

    What future courses or content would you be interested in learning about?

    How would you rate the Live Virtual Class you attended?
    Terrible Amazing

    Please comment on today’s LVC experience. Was it an effective way of delivering a high quality professional learning experience?

    Did you experience any technical problems?

    If so, can you briefly explain what they were:

    Based on today’s presentation, would you recommend Training 24/7 to your colleagues, and why?

    Would you be happy for us to quote you for promotional or marketing purposes? (We would only use your first name, surname initial and school name)