What's new and coming for All Access Pass in 2024?
Everything you love in your All Access Pass continues on…
150+ hours of self-paced professional learning, with a lot of exclusive content!
23 Full demonstration lessons w/analysis
A selection of NESA accredited ‘full day’ self-paced courses (Synthetic Phonics, Morning Routine)
Our Educational Knowledgebase answers many teaching questions we’ve been asked with EduKB®
15 minute expert 1:1 sessions with Office Hours
Map out a learning plan for your team, or for yourself with Learning Paths
Leadership reporting to understand staff progress, and potential knowledge gaps
What’s New?
NEW! Group PL Leader Mode: Run PL sessions as a group on the big screen, but all attendees progress is tracked on their own accounts automatically – Great for staff development days and after school PL
2024 new capabilities
Easy subscription transfers for schools, with significant speed improvements in allocating and managing subscriptions
Dedicated educational support email and phone service (trial) targeting students and early career teachers
More detailed course descriptions and further course details accessible from the ‘My Courses’ list to help with planning PL
Resource packs including sample lessons, worksheets, etc. to be included in some of our newest modules
Training 24/7 insiders program for select schools who are interested in working closer with us, getting early access to new features and content and ability to influence product direction and roadmaps.
30+ NEW full demonstration lessons coming across late 2023 and 2024
We expect to reach over 200 hours of PL this year, and we are well on the way to that already!